Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Support Wind Energy

The Senate is considering a Renewable Portfolios Standard (RPS) which would require electricity generators to have a larger percentage of energy generated by renewables such as wind and solar. Check out the American Wind Energy Association link below. They will walk you through all the proposed legislation and it's easy to email a letter to your state senators. Just fill in your info and click send. If we are to make a dent in climate change it will be imperative that we take action and put our money and energy where our mouth is. Take action now: the Senate may be voting as early as today and tomorrow.


Energy Fight in US Congress

Ok Folks, it has officially begun: the fight for energy planning has begun in congress this week, and it is gnarly. Big coal, nuclear, oil and corn farmers are all duking it out to see who can get the most subsidies and least restrictions written into the bill. Renewable energy (wind, solar, biomass) could very well get the short end of the stick, even though those are the energies which should be getting the most attention. Unfortunately, many democrats (as well as republicans) are backing Big Coal and this is bad news for climate change, since more coal plants =more C02 emissions and more C02 =global warming=destruction of the planet=bye-bye humans.

In fact, two democratic representatives, Rick Boucher (VA) and John Dingell (MI) have proposed legislation that would REVERSE a supreme court ruling that stipulates the EPA must regulate C02 emissions as a pollutant. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (San Francisco in the house!) courageously blocked an additional proposal by Boucher and Dingell which would have undercut California's tough standards on C02 emissions by allowing federal regulations to override tougher state regulations. What the heck is going on with democrats? I guess that's why I became "independent" about 10 years ago...

Check out the NYTimes article on the Energy Bill and let me know your thoughts.


Friday, June 8, 2007

More on Peak Oil

Here's the wikipedia entry on Peak Oil.


I found it helpful, especially the notion that:

"peak oil does not mean that we will run out of oil, or even that we will cease to make major oil discoveries, but rather that we will be unable to maintain current levels of oil production." (Italics and bold mine.)

Beware the subtle nuances whenever you read material about energy use/climate change (or anything else for that matter!)

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Peak Oil

My friend V. sent this out today about the impending oil scarcity.


It's one more reason (but basically the same reason: big bucks) that the coal business is going to try their hardest to push coal subsidies through congress this July. And they will have a compelling argument too what with oil soon to be scarce. We've got to urge all levels of government to begin building more solar and wind NOW. Some argue that if 4-5 midwestern states were to build enough wind farms, the electricity generated could fuel the entire United States. Even if that scenario is ideal, the fact of the matter is is that a substantial amount of electricity can be generated by wind alone. For example, Denmark currently gets 20% of their electricity via wind turbines. If we add in solar, biomass, and conservation , we'd be able to replace even more formerly oil-driven energy.

Where to begin...

Where to begin, indeed? I'm not sure, so I'll just get to the heart of the matter: as many of you folks know, we are in the midst of a global crisis: global warming, which has led to climate change, which could very well lead to the destruction of the human race...

After seeing Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth, I realized I needed to do more to get my butt in gear about the environment (in general) and global warming (in particular). I became more conscious about the energy I used (e.g. stopped washing clothes in hot water, limited my purchases of frozen food and packaging, bought more efficient light bulbs); I began shopping at our local farmers market regularly and also increased buying organic; I began taking public transportation exclusively to work...

But it took me until last month during my college reunion to really take larger, pro-active steps to reduce my own C02 emissions as well as start getting politically active about it. Basically, I got scared out of my wits during the keynote speaker presentation by David Orr, Professor of Environmental Studies at Oberlin College. In his presentation, among other things, was the assertion that we have about a 10-year window of opportunity to put the brakes on global warming. If we don't get our shizit together by then, we'll have flipped the switch of no return, and a "runaway effect" will commence. Basically, we'll be fried. Literally.

So. What to do? I immediately began a two-pronged approach of 1) Education and 2) Action. First, I began educating myself. Dude, I am HUNGRY for knowledge on global warming, climate change and the environment in general. I now realize that this whole global warming thing, although within my consciousness, has remained at the periphery of it, and I needed to take responsibility on educating myself on the complexity, seriousness and urgency of it all. So I began reading a couple amazing books to start: The Weather Makers, by Tim Flannery; The Sustainability Revolution, by Andres Edwards; and Big Coal: the dirty secret behind America's Energy Future, by Jeff Goodell. I'm also constantly online reading NYTimes coverage of anything remotely environmental as well as researching environmental organizations (such as National Environmental Trust; David Suzuki Foundation) and policies and talking to other folks who can educate me.

Second, I began taking the actions of: 1-further reducing my Co2 emissions and 2-becoming politically active. So far for step 1: I have now bought "carbon-free" light-bulbs (see thebulb.com) to replace every light bulb in our home and garden. I have also scheduled appointments to get estimates for installing solar-powered water heating as well as solar-powered electricity at our house. I am making plans to replace all of our appliances with energy efficient ones.

And for step 2: I've emailed several politicians including my congressional representative (Barbara Lee), mayor (Ron Dellums), House Speaker (Nancy Pelosi) and signed the Moveon.org petition urging congress to vote NO on COAL SUBSIDIES. (Plus I emailed a bunch of you out there to sign the petition by Moveon.org as well; you know who you are!) And I plan to increase my political activity by joining local action committees and perhaps national ones.

Finally, step 2 brings me to this blog: reaching out to YOU ALL OUT THERE, for dialogue, support, information and education. I want this blog to be both an educational/activist tool for myself and others, as well as a tool to monitor my own progress and help hold myself accountable for my actions/non-actions. What better way to do that than to go public?

So... in closing to this very long introduction.... I hope that this blog will serve you as well as me in becoming one more voice in the call for sustainable development and in combatting the climate crisis. Therefore, it is my hope to hear from YOU! Let me know what you and others you know, are doing to help stabilize our planet, and hopefully heal it for the generations to come.

Talk to you soon.