Thursday, June 7, 2007

Peak Oil

My friend V. sent this out today about the impending oil scarcity.

It's one more reason (but basically the same reason: big bucks) that the coal business is going to try their hardest to push coal subsidies through congress this July. And they will have a compelling argument too what with oil soon to be scarce. We've got to urge all levels of government to begin building more solar and wind NOW. Some argue that if 4-5 midwestern states were to build enough wind farms, the electricity generated could fuel the entire United States. Even if that scenario is ideal, the fact of the matter is is that a substantial amount of electricity can be generated by wind alone. For example, Denmark currently gets 20% of their electricity via wind turbines. If we add in solar, biomass, and conservation , we'd be able to replace even more formerly oil-driven energy.

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